Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tagged by Erin

4 Jobs I have had:
Cashier/Cook at Burger king
Market Research Interviewer
Nutrition Consultant
Associate Director

4 TV Shows I watch:
Grey's Anatomy
Desperate Housewives
law and Order
(nobody tell my young women girls the trash I watch, I can't be perfect in all things, lol.)

4 Places I have been:
North Carolina

4 People that email me:
Laura (bound to get one of her stupid forwards each day that I have told numerous times not to send)
mom ( sends her journal almost everyday (mom you really need a blog))
Angela aka t-bone
Sarah (man we really need more cell minutes or texts so we are not left to e-mail each other or I guess we could just walk over to each others house)

4 of my favorite foods:
Fresh Mex
chocolate anything except just a plain heresy bar not so good.

4 Friends I Tag:
Ben (maybe this will force you to update your blog)

4 things I am looking forward to in 2008:
Not being pregnant again
Hopefully seeing family
Losing some weight
See where Pam and Joe will go on their mission (not looking forward to having them gone)

1 comment:

Megan said...

I could see you getting prego again this year and I agree about the chocolate thing. A Hershey's bar is only good when its betwen graham crackers and a toasted marshmellow or if it's smothered in peanut butter. I also love that you have worked as a nutrition consultant AND at Burger King - that's why I love you!