Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Taking a Poll

I need your help in making a decision on whether or not to start potty training Jane. I know your answer Christy, but just hear me out. Jane will not keep a diaper on! She is taking her shorts off and then her diaper and running around the house nude. Of course she only does this when we are not keeping a close eye on her, but that is beside the point. The fact is she could potentially pee on the carpet and I wouldn't even know until I stepped in it. On Sunday we can home from vacation and we had to put her in timeout(shocking I know) and while she was in isolation she took her diaper off. She came out of time out before she was told and said she had to poo. She pulls this stunt quite often as a means to get the attention and/or a diaper change when she is in trouble. Knowing this, we just sent her back to her room. A little while later Andrew decided to check on her and found Jane without her diaper and poo on the carpet in her room. Guess we should have taken her more seriously. Anyway, this morning I've been battling with her to wear a diaper but she keeps yelling back at me that she wants to wear underwear. We went through this same thing on Saturday so I said what the heck I will put her in underwear and then put this plastic thing that my sister gave me over them. She peed in them but didn't even notice a thing which makes me think she is not ready. My dilemma is that I personally think she is probably not ready to be potty trained and I really don't want to put the time into a failed attempt, but at the same time I can't help but think that I shouldn't be fighting with my kid to not wear underwear and to sit on the toilet (because she sits there forever and doesn't do anything, I don't have time for that). If I'm going to do it I want to do it all the way no messing around with pull ups and doing it every now and then. Should I go for it or find some creative way to get Jane to keep her diapers on? For the record, Andrew thinks she is ready. Please vote on the poll and post of comment with any words of wisdom.


Unknown said...

Do it!

Betty said...

No matter what potty training is one of the really not fun things of parenting. I hated every minute of it. It is something that you just have to bite the bullet and do. You have to give up your life for a week or so. I did buy the pull ups for outings and night time. Just pick a time when you are ready.

the coltons said...

i obviously have no experience with this, but it sounds like she's more on the ready side than the not-ready side. i'd try it for a couple of weeks or whatever and see if it takes. i don't think it can hurt at this point - and i know it helps if they realize they've peed (like she didn't) but maybe you need to give it a few more attempts so she does realize she's wet . . . ? just some thoughts :)

scharee said...

mclayne went through a phase of taking her diaper her off. after cleaning the carpet 4 or 5 times i decided to "get serious" about potty training. it didn't take and she stopped taking her diaper off so i'm waiting until she actually asks to poop in the toilet. it sounds like jane did this...if she keep it up, I say go for it!

Megan said...

I don't know from experience...obviously. But if she is acting interested and somewhat ready...I would. But then again, that is easier said than done and I will eat my words in a while ;)

From what my friends have told me about THEIR experiences and what my mom has sad, you do have to give up everything and totally concentrate on potty training for around a week. But think of the money you will save on diapers ;) Also my friend reccomends the book 'How to Potty Train in One Day.' She said it took about 3 days, but that kicks butt too.

My mom said all each of her kids were different, but for me all she had to do was buy me some underwear with the lace ruffles and tell me not to get the pretty lace dirty. I am such a girl.

To make a WAY TOO LONG of a comment short, do it. So then you can tell me how to do it when Anna's turn rolls around :)

Cynthia said...

It sounds like you could give it a try, the question is "are you ready"? If you decide to try seriously it will take some work but if you think you can do it I'll say go for it.

Christy said...

Okay - so....You already know what my pediatrician told me (eye roll blah blah blah). I went against what she said and got Kaitlyn a potty chair at 2 years because I was personally done. She showed interest in it for about 1 week. Then nothing. We have kept the chair very accessable - so she would be comfortable with it. She is only showing interest in the last few months. And we are ready to hit the training hard after her bday (I think - he he he).
Having said that - you know your daughter. If you think she is ready - then she is. I knew in my heart that mine wasn't - but I cringed everytime I went to buy diapers! :-)
One idea you can try is a pull up during the day - they are harder to get off, they let her "feel wet" - one down side is they arent as absorbent so keep the diapers for night time.

Jessi said...

My dad would say to just strip her down and toss her out to the backyard to live for a week...but I'm not sure how the would fix the issue:) might end up w/ Child Protective Services on your doorstep...go ahead and disregard this idea:)

Unknown said...

jessie, I actually suggested the same thing. I say we go for it Sarah. The poll says so. If it wasn't for your own dissenting vote, it would be unanimous.

Top Model said...

Just do it!!!