Monday, June 16, 2008

Camera Down!!

While taking a picture of Jane for my last post I dropped the camera on the ground and broke it. Another lovely thing to add to my great week last week. I can tell that this week looks like it will be just as much fun. When I got out of the shower I heard Jane whining. I went to go check on the kids and saw poop sitting on the bottom of the stairs. When I got down stairs Jane was on the couch with her bottom up against one of the cushions with poop all over it. That dang kid wont keep a diaper on for nothing. I think I might just try to do the potting training business since she keeps asking to sit on the potty and wear underwear but I just need some patience first which would be followed by a good night's sleep. Anyway I won't be posting any pictures for awhile until the "me breaking the camera" wears off so Andrew will let me get a new one. I guess I do always have the cell phone pictures. Never mind I will try to post some crappy cell phone pictures every now and then.


Unknown said...

Buy a new camera. I guess you probably want me to buy it though, huh.

Megan said...

Our camera is nearing the end as well. It has been dropped SO many times and it isn't functioning very well. Of course Ross has been wanting a new camera for some that records in HD or something fancy that sounds expensive and we really don't need. Men and their electronics.

I can't help butt laugh at the Jane story. (get it? butt - Oh man I am turning into my husband!)

Birches said...

I guess you should have come to the park. Sorry you're dealing with the poops. I think your child might be telling you she wants to be changed more often :)

Christy said...

I am so sorry 'bout your poopy couch. That's a really "$#!&-ty" situation! LOL I crack myself up! Mike and I have been pricing camera's for a year now because we know anyday ours is going to go kaputt (is that how you spell that?). I have to work tomorrow but come over in the afternoon and we'll drink "tea" and gossip. "Tea" is in quotes because I know you don't like it and that way you can pick "any liquid you desire". :-)
And I think I agree with "the birches" maybe she just wants to be changed more - oh frugal one. ;-)

Megan said...

Haha. I love evryone's comments about not changing Jane enough because you are fugal. Nothing has changed has it? Does she still wait for a clean diaper to poop - that used to make you so angry and I would Anna does it. But I still change her diaper ;)

Sarah said...

Jane does not wait for a clean diaper to poop cause I only change her after she poops. I know everybody thinks this is gross and quite frankly I don't care if you do but to help you understand my daughter poops two to three times a day. I think that is plenty times to change a diaper not to mention of course I change her right when she wakes up and right when she goes to sleep. Why put more waist into our environment and waste money. As my mother in-law would say they make diapers so absorbent these days that you really don't need to change them that often. Also Jane it not taking off her diapers to tell me she wants a diaper change because she most always takes her diaper off when it's clean. Just wanted to clear that up.

StatueLeft said...

I think Lil Lou has the same diaper/poop issues

motherhill said...

Ug! I still think of Reynolds. How gross