Sunday, June 1, 2008

Family Day at the Peir

We were itching to get the beach since the weather was crappy for the first few days of our trip so we took a quick trip to the to the peir to show jane the Ocean.

She was afraid of anything. She loved running after the water. I should have put her in her suit cause she got taken out with a wave.

Swings on the beach! It doesn't get any better in Jane's world.


Christy said...

I'm sure I haven't said it enough - Jane is SO stinking cute. That last pic, with that grin. I just want to SQUEEZE HER!

Kristin said...

OMG! That last picture of Jane is PRECIOUS!

Megan said...

What a fun trip - I am so jealous. And that Jane couldn't get any cuter - she is such a perfect combo of you and Andrew. When are you guys coming to Utah?!?!?