Thursday, June 5, 2008

I'm Terriable, I Know

So lately I've been getting it from Andrew and my brother about how terrible my post can be regarding grammar and just plain mistakes. I know they are only telling me because they both love me enough to not want me to make a complete fool of myself for the whole world to see. I'm sure they say what you all have been thinking. Anyway I will try to do better but believe it or not I do try to read through them. The truth is I've always been terrible at writing and grammar. I always did well in English only because I knew I was terrible and I would make people proof read my papers over and over until finally there were limited mistakes and they still would come back to me with red ink all over them from my professors. In all reality I will probably always be terrible, but I will try better to proof read. In a way I'm totally putting one of my biggest weakness out there for everyone to see but I don't really care cause who really wants to read what I have to say anyway just look at the pictures. Speaking of pictures Andrew has been working from home a lot this week so I haven't had time to blog (He dominates the computer). I have some cute videos of Reynolds sitting up playing with toys, scooting on the ground since he hates his tummy so much, and playing with his feet. S0.tay tuned cause the only thing I want to do right now is crawl in bed and read New Moon in stead of upload videos. Sorry Grandparents. Hope all is well.


pamc said...

Sarah, I love your posts and I wouldn't change a thing. I check every day to see if you have anything
new to say or show. Your description of your trip to San Diego was so good. I felt like we had been there with you (or at least wish we had been there with you). Please post the videos of Reynolds and Jane. I know they are both changing so quickly. I love You, Pam

Megan said...

Since we had all of our classes together, I know how awesome you are with your grammatical skills - but it's you and I love it. Not to mention, we all make them. I hate when I post a comment and then I notice all my errors..I always get scared that people are going to think I am incompetent, but then I get over it. I wondered why you had not been blogging much..I have missed your comments on my blog (boo hoo). But it is completely understandable to want to spend all your free time with Twilight. Please see here:

Kristin said...

I think you're awesome sista.

Christy said...

I am so totally "taying tuned"! He he!
I had to revise my blog 6 times the other day for errors I kept finding after I posted it. :-)

laura said...

who cares! just put what ever out and if someone is freaking over it tell them to stop reading it then!

Cynthia said...

Sarah, just read my posts and you'll feel better. I think you are great!

Betty said...

HA HA I know what you mean about reading thoses books. I just finished New Moon yesterday and I should be studying for my big test.

Sarah said...

Only 70 pages left to go but I decided to keep it for tomorrow. It so hard to put those books down but I need to get some sleep and catch up on my blog.

Jessi said...

You can tell Andrew that your fun descriptions and pictures over shadow any and all errors you might ever make. What I hate is when I make mistakes in my comments. Posts you can go back and edit when you need to, but comments are cemented when you publish them...right? I haven't found a way to edit them...if I'm missing something will someone please let me know.