Monday, May 5, 2008

Dang Teeth

You are probably wandering what you are looking at. Of course it is Reynolds mouth but if you look close you will see just a small speck of a tooth. Only those with the choosen eye will be able to see. A week ago I noticed that Reynolds was having some teething symptoms. He was a little slobbery, spitting up his food, and gnawing on my fingers. Friday I could feel the teeth and Sunday it finally broke through the skin. Good job Reynolds! Did I happen to mention I hate teething time. Now the left, bottom tooth is on it's way and little Renny is gnawing his hand off. He is holding up pretty well and is still a pretty happy baby.


Unknown said...

That's my boy!

the coltons said...

man andrew, you've got a clone! look at that last picture!

Megan said...

Your kids seriously teeth SO FREAKIN EARLY! It's insane! I am slightly jealous though because I am sure it helps them eat solid food a lot better than my dang kid. So, the real question is...has he bit you yet? When nursing, that is.

Cynthia said...

It's out!!! Good. I hope he is not on pain. What a cutie!!

The Smith said...

Teeth already? That can only mean one thing- you've got a genius on your hands:) Congrats.

laura said...

what the crap! that must come from the other side of the family! he seems happy, and we all know thats whats important!