Monday, March 9, 2009

Denver Botanical Gardens

Friday we decided to go on an adventure to the Botanical Gardens on Wadsworth and 470. I had never been there before and thought I would check it out since they were having a free day. I knew that not much, if anything, would be in bloom but I decided that we would explore and see what we could find. I had my nieces Kali and Megan with me so that made it much more fun. At first we walked around and didn't see much of anything but a few trees with nothing on them. They were perfect for the girls to climb. As we continued on our adventure we came across a cool tree house.

There was a stream close by that is perfect for little ones to throw rocks and play with sticks.
Next to the stream they had a gravel pit where you could build tepees.
The girls built one using all the sticks.
We also found an old house you could tour. There was an old swing out on the porch that the kids enjoyed.
We ran out of time to explore more things. We will definitely being going back as it was a perfect way to spend a morning. I can't wait till everything is in full bloom it will be beautiful.

**Disclaimer I forgot the camera so this is as good as it gets with the cell phone.


Lynae said...

Sounds like fun! I bet you are a really cool aunt! :)

Kristin said...

Aren't Botanical Gardens the best!! Horticulture Rocks!

Megan said...

Free days are where it is at. I really want to go outside. Too bad it has been snowing a bunch. Boo! Where is Spring?

The Brush Family said...

so fun. i can't wait to go on the next free day.