Sunday, March 22, 2009

"Saturday, a Day in the Park"

It was 70 degrees on Saturday so we decided we would picnic at the park and feed the ducks. I'm embarrassed to say I think this is the first time we have fed the ducks with Jane. She loved it. Of course she would, I have no idea why it has taken us this long to think to do it.
Reynolds, on the other hand, just wanted to walk straight into the water, thus why we are on higher ground. He also thought the moldy bread was for him to eat so that didn't go over too well.We hit up the park for awhile and then Andrew had a wonderful idea to go search out the columbine memorial that they added to the park after the shooting.

We were reflecting back and couldn't believe that this happened almost ten years ago.

Their is a wall with quotes from parents, students, teachers, and people in the community.

It was awesome to read so many that had the message of hope instead of dwelling on the tragedy.

They also had a tribute to all the students and faculty that were shot.

Unfortunately, the kids would not allow us to stay very long as they had just about had it for the afternoon. However, it was a pretty humbling experience to see names attached to the tragic events that took place almost 10 years ago. Reading through the quotes and some of the tributes to the students had my emotions on high alert. Its easy to sit there and start to wonder how something like this could ever happen, but the fact is, thats life. We can only hope to learn from such terrible moments in history. And in the learning process pay tribute to those lives lost by forging a better life for the next generation. I wish I could articulate better my thoughts and feelings as I sat there yesterday, but I guess this is as good as it gets. I hope to return again soon to take in the rest of the memorial.

Overall, it was a great day and I am glad we could get out and enjoy the beautiful weather. I can't wait to for Spring to swing into full force!


The Ferguson Family said...

I worked right across the lake from Columbine when it happened. I knew some of the kids from work who were effected. It is hard to believe it was 10 years ago. What a horrible event!

Looks like you had fun on your picnic. I love the warm weather. We should go to the Littleton Historiacl Museum and feed the ducks at that lake.

Harada's said...

I have not thought about columbine for such along time. What a sad day that was.
Crazy that it has been 10 years. Do you live near where that all happened?
I think being near that memorial, reading what everyone wrote would be a really neat thing to see.
I am sure I would have been quite teary eyed.
On a happier note, my kids love to feed the ducks to. Thanks for the reminder that I should go do that soon, since we are having fabulous weather also =)
You are such a good mom doing all these fun outings with your kids. I wished we lived closer by each other so we could be nerdy moms together =)

Christy said...

I knew you would love that park! It's my favorite. Kaitlyn loves the park near the skate park. I think its because it's less populated. And the ducks and geese- OMG -she thought that was the best! Popcorn is now officially only for the "ducks in the lake". Glad you finally went - we will have to plan a day there! Kaitlyn loves to walk around the lake (as long as we take a break for a snack midway!)
The memorial is really touching - I went there and when I was finished reading everything, I walked to the top - and sat and reflected on everything. It sure makes you appreciate the "little things" that you take for granted.

The Brush Family said...

wow! some of those pics are beautiful. did you take them with your new fancy camera? the colors are awsome. you should think about some photography classes. think of the cute pics you could get of the kids. so why is it that i've been to that park dozens of times and never seen the memorial??

Anonymous said...

70 degrees sounds like full force to me!