Monday, February 9, 2009

Slow and steady, is really freaking slow!

Yesterday I was looking through old pictures on the computer, trying to find some photos of the kids to have printed off when I came across this gem...

I laughed when I saw the time of 32:41. I can't believe that I was so proud of myself. Of course looking back I was probably more stoked that I actually had ran 3 miles since it was probably the furthest I had even run in my entire life. A lot of people keep running journals so they can track their progress. Andrew actually started a running blog so he could record his runs as he is training for a marathon. I don't know if I want to get totally into that but I thought once in a while I would record my progress so I could look back and see where I'm at. My overall goal is that I will be able to run a half marathon in June without stopping. Last night I had a dream that I wasn't trained enough for the run and I was so bummed I couldn't run the race. It made me realize how important this is to me so I hope my body will cooperate and I will have no more running injuries. A couple of weeks ago I really injured my ankles from training too hard because I basically was not doing anything for the previous two months. I feel like I'm back. I ran 4 miles on Saturday in 36:40 and today I ran 3 miles in 27 minutes flat. Sure beats that 32:41. I've been very competitive with myself and can't wait to see how fast I can get as time goes by. I would like to run the "Bolder Boulder", which is a 10k, in less than 54 minutes.


motherhill said...

That is great I wish I could have the time just to go running and maybe the body that would support that excersis would be nice

Christy said...

I am totally laughing at myself! I had NO idea what I was looking at! ha ha ha
That is so great! You are so totally motivated! I aspire to have half of your motivation!

The Brush Family said...

you are totally awsome. i see why you have hit way below preprego weight with that kind of speed. you go girl!! and i aspire to someday become as speedy as you. actual i will probably stay slow but you can keep me company on a long run by running circles around me. i won't be insulted and would love the company.

Megan said...

You had just had a baby, give yourself a break. My time wasn't much better the first 5k after I had Annabelle. And right now it takes me about the same time ;) I didn't know Andrew was doing a marathon or that you were doing a half. Good luck to you both. I am secretly hoping to go down to St. George this fall so I can at least get a few races in this season!

Sarah said...


Andrew is trying to get into the St. George Marathon. If he gets in we should totally meet down there. Do they do half marathons with the St. George Marathon? We could run one together. Of course if our paces are different then I will see you at the finish line. lol.

Unknown said...

Sarah, looks like the St. George half is in January, i.e. it already happened.

Harada's said...

you are awesome! I didnt know you were a runner. I hate running. I do it at the gym because I have to, but I dont like it one bit. I envy people who enjoy it. So good for you!