Friday, October 3, 2008

Tag: 6 Quirks

I was tagged by Megan. Here are the rules: Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged. I will not be tagging anybody but if anyone would like to do this it would be fun to read about.

1. I HATE METAL. I don't know why but it grosses me out. There is something about the cold feeling that makes me queasy. I can't wear jewelry for this very purpose. I have learned to just deal with my wedding ring but even that can be hard. I HATE CHANGE. I cannot hold it in my hand it literally makes me sick. I have been known to throw change away if I find it when I'm cleaning. I will get a piece of paper and scoop it up and chuck it in the garbage. I think I might have a phobia.

2. The only beverage I drink is water. I don't have time to sip water all day so my habit is I usually go to the sink at least 8 times a day and chug a glass of water. For some reason I always leave a little amount in the cup. Maybe I just can't drink it all but Andrew always points out it was my cup if it has a little water left in it.

3. I can't stand grease and greasy hands. I hate it when my husband tries to touch me and I can feel that his hands haven't been washed. I'm constantly "washing" my hands but the quirky thing is that I only use soap when my hands are unsanitary and I never dry them. I always make a point touch the hand towel but never actually use it to dry my hands. Who has time to sit and dry them anyway? The air will eventually get the job done.

4. This is no surprise to anybody that knows me or attempts to read this blog. I am phonetically disabled. Also I like to use words completely out of context and I'm the master at ruining all common one liners.

5. I cannot touch my face with my bare hands nor do I like anybody else to do it. When I pop zits I have to use toilet paper under my fingers and if I put my hand under my chin I have to pull my sleeve over my hand. Occasionally I try to get over this and let my husband caress my face but the truth of the matter is once I do all I can think about is how I need to go wash my face off.

6. I hate to ask for help. Unfortunately if I really need or really want it I feel so awkward to ask that I usually find some annoying way to beat around the bush. I'm really working on just coming straight out and asking.


Kristin said...

I love you for all your quirks anyway, Sarah.

the coltons said...

i forgot all about your metal phobia :) i am the same with water - i just can't bring myself to drink that last little bit. i also can't stand to have a water bottle shaken - mine or someone else's :)

Megan said...

How did I not know about the metal phobia? That is awesome! haha. See why I tagged you? You are so nice to think of others and not tag anyone else. I thought about doing the same, but then I thought if I am going down I am taking others' with me! LOL. I have been tagged for like 4 different tags this week. I think I need to start some tagging rules.

You talking about popping zits bought back some very fond memories too. I still can't believe you tried to pop it! And our poor kids who sat there and listened to me scream. We are such weirdos!

Harada's said...

Wow I never new you were so wierd.. =)
Just kidding, you are to funny!
I dont understand why you dont dry your hands after washing them, I cant stand not having them dry! Take 2 seconds and just do it =)

Sarah said...

For anyone who actually reads through these comments Megan is talking about a time we thought she had a zit on her belly. It was huge and misplaced but had every sign of a zit. She said she couldn't get the right angle to pop it so I said I would give it a shot. After much squeezing it did not pop. Well come to find that zit was a staph infection and we sure did make it worse. Sorry Meg.

Jessi said...

Funny zit storey, the visual I have in my head of you two working as a team to take care of that sucker is enough to keep me smiling the rest of the day:) As for the metal phobia, I had forgotten about this. But I do remember you had a plastic cover over your cell at Chrysalis, and that you didn't like touching your keys. I wonder where this comes from?

Christy said...

You are so weird. LOL
I love that about you.
And, don't even try to tag me because my "weird things" I like to keep to myself! LOL

Metal? hmm.

The Guiness Family said...

you have some ocd tendencies. just kidding. I am going to catch up on blogging. so much has been going on... talk to you soon.