Sunday, October 12, 2008

Free Day at the Zoo

The Denver Zoo was having a free day so Andrew took they day off and we made the trek across town to enjoy a day together. We have only been there once before when our friends, the Dunns, came into town. It was a nightmare getting there but that is a whole different story. This time we decided to drive instead of taking public transportation. Needless to say it was very uneventful besides really bad traffic on the way home. Here are some pictures from the day. All the pictures I got with the animals didn't turn out but we really were at the Zoo.


the coltons said...

sounds fun! that picture of andrew with the kids is so cute. you should get a print of that one and frame it for their room.

Megan said...

Whata fun little family outing! I like the last picture - it is so hard to get a good pic with the whole fam. I swear all of ours our Ross with Anna or me with Anna, never all 3 of us. I agree with the Coltons - you should totally frame it!

Lynae said...

Cute pics!!!

Christy said...

Cute pics - Looks like we got some of the same shots! LOL