Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Snow Storm

As you can see I'm a little behind in blogging but when I get my blog made into a book I don't want to miss some events. Now I don't really remember much about this storm just that it was the first we had in a very long time. Oh now I remember my brother-in-law Buck had to fly in to town for a four hour training and ended up getting stuck in Denver for the night. It was fun to have him here. We watched some March Madness, ordered pizza, and of course ate brownies and ice cream. The next morning I got up and did my long run for the week which I think was 6 miles at this point. When I was done I knew I had to get the kids out in the snow. We got all dressed up in our gear which took way too long. We played in the front and built a slide. Then when I saw that Reynolds was really enjoying himself we trekked down to the park. Honestly I don't know what I was thinking. I had to hold Reynolds and walk in a foot and half of snow with snow board boots on. When I was through with the adventure I was so tired but I had to hurry and get ready for my over night hotel stay in down town Denver with Andrew. When we were on the train heading for the hotel I asked him if I could just lie down and have a nap when we got there. We had a very enjoyable time together. Thanks to all those who help watch them esecially the Birches who took them over night.


the coltons said...

sounds like you remembered a lot more about that than you first thought :)

Top Model said...

FIRST I will say I was not happy that my husband was stuck ing Denver, BUT I'm glad he got to spend time with you guys. SECOND why is poor Reny wearing pink gloves?

Sarah said...

I guess you didn't notice that he is wearing pink snow pants too? It's better than nothing and I'm sure glad I didn't go out and buy him boy stuff since he would have worn it once maybe twice.

Christy said...

Ha ha! Love the snow pants! :-)