Sunday, August 3, 2008

SuperCala What?

When I was potty training Jane I tried to take advantage of the week at home and decided to clean. When I got done with the downstairs I moved to the upstairs but I needed something to keep Jane entertained. The only thing we had upstairs was a little TV with a built in VCR. I called my sister-in-law Jen to ask if she had some old VHS I could borrow. She brought an assortment of cartoons and Mary Poppins. Jane would sit and watch the cartoons for a few minutes and then insist on watching another movie. At last attempt I put in Mary Poppins and she has probably watched it once a day since. I don't know what it is about Micheal and Jane Banks but she loves them.

*Disclaimer Jane did her own hair this morning


Anonymous said...

That was cute. I am not surprised. Mary Poppins is one of my favorites too.

Harada's said...

She is so cute! I should put mary poppins on for my kids! Noah loves musicals, his favorite is Annie. =)
Try that one when after she gets bored with mary poppins. =)
p.s. how is potty training going?

Megan said...

Marry Poppins is my mom's fave movie too - must be a 'Jane' thing ;) She is so stinkin' adorable. And I loooove her hair - she has some mad skills.

laura said...

we all had a good ol' laugh with that one and to watch Renny try to eat the jewl case..... priceless!

Top Model said...

Love the hair!

Christy said...

That was so cute! Your daughter just makes me want to squeeze her! K loves Mary Poppins too - now - only since I told her it was my favorite movie and I danced around like a crazy person singing " I LOVE TO LAUGH - HA HA HA HA!!!!"

Monique said...

Tell Jane that was pretty good! And, her hair looks fabulous...maybe she can give Zoe some tips because Zoe's mommy gets an F in the hair-do department and the poor thing has to fend for herself!

I'm so glad you came by was sooooo nice having your babies run around my messy home! thank you!! convinced me to check my grades and...drum were right...I got the I!

Brian is pretty excited to watch our new movie tonight...thanks again neighbor. Get your racquet dusted off....

Jessi said...

Jane's hair cracks me UP! I love it.

Cynthia said...

What a cutie! I love her.

Anonymous said...

That is way too cute!!!

Kristin said...

Dude, she is so cute! And the hair is awesome!