Thursday, August 28, 2008

A little bit of this and that.

It seems like most are blogged out. Has anybody else noticed the same thing within their circle of blogging friends? My reader account has often showed "no unread items" with a few trickles here and there with new updates. Then I thought I have no room to talk since I haven't posted in awhile either. Whats going on? Any ideas? Are we all just waiting for summer to end or what to get our second wind? For me I will have to confess it's a bit of laziness. I even have some pictures on my camera that I wanted to put up but they are still on my memory card waiting to get posted. I actually found these pictures on my cell phone and thought I will post these since my phone is always with me. Anyway just a few more weeks till fall. I'm ready for a new season!

I took this picture and thought that it looked cool. It's on my phone so of course the quality is horrible but it reminded me of a crossed processed photo. My brother in law Weston (who is an excellent photographer, click on his name to look at some of his work) introduced me to what a crossed processed photo is. I'm not going to even attempt to explain what it is cause I don't even know what I'm talking about but I always loved this type of photography because it makes all the colors even brighter and if you know me I love bright colors. Woah! can you say run on?

I took this picture last Saturday when Jane went to one of her friends birthday party. I was chatting with the ladies and hear, "look Mommy, look, I'm jumping" she proceeded to say that over and over. She was so proud of herself that I had to snap a picture with the phone.

Alright I did my part. Now lets get over the lull and get blogging. Sarah is bored and needs something to do on the world wide web.


Anonymous said...

you're good with your camera phone. When i take pictures with mine it is hard to discern what the heck i was taking a photo of. maybe i just have a really crappy phone or something. anyway, glad to see that you have updated your blog. keep it up! :)

Megan said...

Yeah for updating your blog! I have noticed this slack in many others blogs as well and I came to the same conclusion - it is the end of summer craziness. Hopefully it will end because you know how much I love blogging ;)

I can't believe how big Jane is getting. She isn't even a toddler any more. She is a little girl. When are you coming to Utah again? It has been too long and I miss you guys! Oh and Ross just started fantasy football team #4 - I hate this time of year!

Kristin said...

It's totally true. The blogging has SLOWED way down the last few weeks. I've been trying to do my part, but keeping up with TWO blogs is hard . . . I'm really not that exciting so finding SOMETHING interesting to write about take effort . . .

I think Breaking Dawn could have a hand in it as well . . . Dangit Stephenie Meyer! Also--summer vacations, babies becoming toddlers, sleeping the day away . . . :)

the coltons said...

jane is SOOO cute in that picture!

Harada's said...

I am sure everyone will be blogging more now that summer unfortunately is coming to an end and soon we will be stuck inside most of the time.BLAH....... I am glad you finally updated, although I dont have any room to talk! Your kids are so cute! My little Eli just got up the courage to jump on the trampoline also. It scares me to death!!
Oh and thanks for the honesty on being pregant, it really is all about survival!! I am hoping doing my cabinets this weekend will give me the boost of energy I need to start "nesting". How do I get the energy to start though?

Top Model said...

I love the picture of Jane. She is getting so big. Which reminds me I need to clean out Hailey's closet and get ready for fall.