Saturday, August 16, 2008

Johnny Slumper

Reynolds' new favorite toy is his Johnny Jumper. I usually let him jump away while I shower and get ready for the day. Reynolds had a late morning nap since we both slept in till 9:30 (I honestly can't remember the last time I got to do that) so that meant a late afternoon nap. He didn't seem tired at all so I let him jump while I took a late shower (I cleaned all morning long and now my house is finally clean). As I was getting ready I said to Andrew, "When is Reynolds going to get sleepy? He doesn't seem tired at all he just keeps jumping." I got on the phone for maybe three minutes and I looked over at Reynolds and I saw he was slumped over. I thought he was chewing on the tray and then I realized he was out cold.


Top Model said...

Poor kid...he jumped himself to sleep.

the coltons said...

this is so cute :)

Megan said...

Haha. That is cute. You exercised him to sleep - way to get your kid in the habit early ;) I am going to have to get me one of those when we have our next child.

Anonymous said...

A chip off the old block

Anonymous said...

That is the most adorable thing ever! I hope you don't mind, but I had to show it to a few of my friends here at work and they all said the same thing: he is SO CUTE!!!

Christy said...

So cute! I am jealous! Kailtyn hated (with a capital H) her jumper. She would crunch her legs up so she wouldn't have to touch the ground! She would just hang there and look at me like "Seriously?"

Kristin said...

That is awesome Sarah. I would do the same thing with Chase--shower as he "jumped" and that kid fell asleep all the time. Maybe it was all the warm steam that knocked him out? It was hilarious!

Jessi said...

Being able to fall asleep anytime anywhere is a great talent! You should be a proud:)

Anonymous said...

Well said.