Friday, August 15, 2008

Eating my Words

Awhile back I made a post indicating the success we had putting both kids in the same room. Well once we got back from our trip to California it has pretty much been a nightmare. We have been blessed with just enough few good nights to keep holding on to the hope that it would work out again. Last night I finally threw in the towel. I don't know what' s with Reynolds but he has turned into the lightest sleeper. If Jane even opens the door he wakes up. Yesterday when Andrew came home from work Reynolds was sleeping and quickly awoke to the garage door opening. Please don't give me any advice about making your home really loud while your kids sleep so they can become deep sleepers because I think that is a bunch of, well you know what. Reynolds has always had to sleep to his screaming sister and takes his first nap of the day at the swimming pool or park. Last night we put Jane in the guest bedroom and Reynolds slept in the kids room. There were still interruptions like having to change Reynolds diaper and pajamas in the middle of the night because he peed all over them but at least they were manageable and I didn't have the excuses that the one woke the other one up. Hopefully once we can train Jane to stay in her bed throughout the night and Reynolds can start sleeping through something, or anything at that, we will try again. However, for now I have been defeated. Good luck to anybody who attempts the same thing. If you find something that works please let me know.


Anonymous said...

Poor Sarah!!!! I feel your pain.

Johanna said...

Sometimes the best thing to do is something different. They should be able to sleep together but they can't. You can keep killing yourself, or you can put them in different rooms. It's not a defeat - it's just dealing with reality. I finally did that with Spencer. He should have been able to keep his room decent - but he couldn't. I finally moved him to the basement so I didn't have to look at the mess! I hope you are catching up on your sleep. It is so vital to mothering!!

the coltons said...

hopefully this will lead to more normal nights of full sleep. you guys are troopers for sticking it out this long!

Megan said...

Oh I am sorry. Hopefully it starts getting better. I think everyone ends up eating their words eventually as mothers. Especially when we say 'I will never ___' when I have kids. :) I know I did.

Christy said...

:-) That sucks! Sorry man! If it makes you feel better we aren't sleeping all the great over here either! Kaitlyn has taken a shine to getting up at around 3am to go potty and deciding to come in our room - every night. Last night I told her to go back to her bed and she did; for a few hours. I found her on the couch at 530 this morning. :-)
My sister had the same problem with Jarod and Akasha. I think they had to move him out to a mattress on the floor temporarily. And - she (as you know) was always and will always be loud. ;-)

The Brush Family said...

so have you every tried to make your house loud during nap and sleep time?? then they don't get used to quiet but instead like the noise. try running the vacuum every time reynolds sleeps especially when he's finally in a good deep sleep. ha. ha. i'm totally teasing to annoy you. ha......the crazy life with babies.

The Guiness Family said...

Kathryn and Christian slept in the same room until we moved here and K was 6 and C was 3. Before that, I just kept a fan in the room near Christian as a soothing noise and to kind of detract other noises (I learned that while living in TVA in Hawaii. The acoustics were wonderful there!) Good luck. You'll figure it out.