Sunday, June 21, 2009

Indian Creek

Last weekend we decided last minute to go camping at Indian Creek. Reynolds had been puking the day before so we were waiting to see if he would be better. At 12:00 When he had held down breakfast and appeared to be better I ran to Walmart, came home, packed, and we were out on the road by 3:30. We went up with Jen and Travis and Hannah and Eric Pertesen joined us for our second and last night there. We are totally converted to two night camping and hope to do a lot more of it.

We did the usally camping stuff.....We relaxed, sat around the fire, and ate a TON of food. However we got off our hineys and went for a hike up Devils head.

Jane was a pretty good trooper for half the way and than refused to walk. For some reason she would only let I or Andrew hold her. Well after I got tired Andrew decided it would not be hard to hold both kids.

She finally let Travis hold her and quickly fell asleep on his shoulder. Travis was a trooper and carried her dead weight all the way up to the top (A LOT of VERY steep staris).

The girls at the very top. They showed up their cousin Drew who was not too fond of standing at the very edge.

This is the view on the way down after I freed up some space on the memory card. This is what Travis hiked with Jane asleep on his shoulder.

The great brothers that made the hike possible.


Kristi said...

Looks like fun! What a trooper Trav is! They don't seem too heavy at first but man they do get heavy fast and climbing all those stairs, whew! That was a good workout for him:)

Megan said...

I am impressed with the stair climbing holding Jane! That makes me tired just thinking about it, but then I also think maybe if I attempted it I would friggin go into labor! Grrrrr.

You guys look like you had a lot of fun. And you BETTER stop by on your way to or from Idaho - or both - or I will be extreme;y upset ;) Let me know when it gets closer what you wanna do. I will bake you something for your efforts for sure ;)

Pam-Joseph Cottle said...

You trip sounded like a lot of fun. Where were you? It is amazing what is available to do and see in CO.

Love Dad

Tina said...

Good for you for getting out in this great weather. Next time send sleepy Jane here - she can sit by the pool with me and sip Kool-Aid!

Heather said...

wow! I would say he is a trooper. Yikes. Man, we haven't been camping in so long. I wonder if there are any places nearby in AZ that are cool - and literally cool at night, cause there is no way I am sleeping in a tent in 100 degree heat.

Christy said...

It looks like you had a great time! Love last minute trips!!!!

The Ferguson Family said...

Camping is fun and relatively cheap!  Depending on how you do it.  Looks like everyone had a great time and Reny did better this time.