Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Slaughter

For months now I have been wanting to get Jane's hair cut but for whatever reason have not. It was way too long and took too much energy to care for. She kept telling me that Grandma Cottle would do it. She obviously remembered her Grandma cutting her hair before. After bath last night Andrew was prepared to do it. A fight later I had finished the job. It's pretty much totally screwed up. We will have to end up paying someone to fix it but I might let it grow out a bit so they don't have to go any shorter. Here is Jane and Reynolds ready to go to Story Time. She loves to carry her books in her backpack.

Andrew wants to grow Reynolds hair out for a bit. His new nick name is fuzz. The other day when we were at the library one of the librarians acutally called him fuzz it was awesome. I think that was the same day that Ren dropped my keys down the elvator shaft. That was a fun day let me tell you.


Cynthia said...

hahahaha how did you get your keys back??? too funny. I cant see any diference in janes hair. Maybe i have to see it in person. She is so stinking cute!. Sorry about the FB chatting mess. I hate chatting on it!

Megan said...

Fuzz is a good nick name. Let Andrew know that not everyone is meant for shaggy hair - my husband being one of them. Jane's hair doesn't look bad - at least you can hide stuff like that with pig tails and what not. I was sad to cut Anna's, but it needed to be done. I had to pay someone to do it cause I know I would slaughter it and she doesn't have long hair like Jane. Speaking of, her Bday is soon! Any fun plans? Any who, now I am rambling. Surprise.

the coltons said...

her hair looks cute! what do you mean the slaughter? and reynolds looks adorable as fuzz.

was andrew really going to cut her hair himself? if so, i'm impressed :)

Harada's said...

I dont's see anything wrong with her hair. I bet it's not as bad as you say it is =)
I love reynolds fuzz hair, so cute!

Christy said...

LOL - I still think she looks cute! And, Fuzz - man that is just cute.

The Brush Family said...

your kids look identical in these pics. too cute. "fuzz" is a doll. i can't tell Jane's hair is cut. i'm sure it's fine and the way you have it fixed in the pic one can tell. LMAO that now you have to pay to get it fixed. it's going to cost at least $8!!!! ohhhhh no! ha.ha.ha.

Jessi said...

Is her hair cut in this picture, because those tails are still pretty darn long. Whew...I'm still laughing from the 'boob' comment in the last post. So FUNNY! I'm sure my kids will be sporting similar sentiments one day:)

Kristin said...

Down the elevator shaft, eh? That's genius.

Lynae said...

Jane is super cute and her hair looks great! What are you talking about? I can't believe how big Reynolds is getting!!! I love the "fuzz" look. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey there, Sarah! I love your cute family. I don't know how, but when I changed my background I lost your blog link. Sorry! Thank you for checking mine. Your family is so adorable. We would LOOOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE to see you when you come home for your family stuff. Please email me at wesjennw@gmail.com and we will connect! Hope to see you soon!

Heather said...

they are so cute. I haven't taken Rowan to story time yet at the library - I just don't think he is old enough to enjoy it yet. Fuzz- I like it! I am sure you couldn't have butchered her hair that badly- not any worse then what they would do at the cosmetology school!