Monday, September 29, 2008

A Day with Alex

My sister-in-law, Cynthia, had a baby a few weeks ago so I took her son Alex for the day so she could catch up on some ZZZZZ's. My nephew, Alex, is so cute and has such a free spirit. I got all the kids loaded up and my neighbor Christy texted me to ask me about a museum I had told her about. She was talking about the Littleton Historical Musem that I have posted about before. I told her if she was going to go I would meet her there since I was already out and about. We got there a little before her so I decided I would take advantage of the free moment and feed Reynolds. I gave Jane and Alex a plum and told them to sit under the tree to eat them. They were so cute I had to snap a picture with my phone.

They of course did not sit there the whole time and begun to run around the tree. I figured as long as they don't run in the parking lot we will be ok. I latched Reynolds onto the other side and I look up and saw this.

I thought at this point it's better he pee here because there was no way I was going to be able to make myself decent, Alex decent, and get to the bathroom in time. I was grateful that he didn't have an accident. Kristy finally arrived and we headed to the old farms to see the animals. We were in the blacksmith shop and I realized Alex was no where to be found. Immediately I remembered how Alex likes to run off and this worries his mom to death, especially when people like me take him and don't keep a close eye. I found him chasing some ducks.

Talk about a free spirited kid and cute at that!

Here is Alex with his female friends for the day

My little pioneer cleaning

Renny enjoyed the ride and the mic

On a entirely different note we finally cleaned our carpets. I have been trying to get this done all summer long and it is finally done. Jane enjoyed sitting in her red chair while the room was empty. I couldn't wait to start putting stuff back and then I remembered we didn't get a pic.

So here is one with the couch in it.


Megan said...

Haha. I was thinking when you wrote that you told them to sit and eat a plum, 'Holy crap! What well behanved kids! They actually sat there and ate the plum and did not run away?' So it made me laugh pretty hard when I saw that they did run around and peed. Good times. Kids provide lots of entertainment.

Looks like they had fun at the farm. What a good sister you are to watch miniature Andrew for the day so your sister in law could sleep!

Kristin said...

Looks like it was an eventful day. Aren't little boys funny?

Megan said...

P.S. You have been tagged. Check out my blog for rules and regulations! Bwa ha ha!

pamc said...

Those are such cute pics of the kids. I know Cynthia will doubly appreciate your taking Alex when she starts trying to keep track of two kids. Thanks for sharing. Pam

Megan said...

Whatever! You are doing it. I tagged you because I think I would enjoy reading your quirks the most ;)

Christy said...

That was such a fun day! We should do it again soon! Maybe a picnic lunch at the little park across the street before the weather gets too cold!?