Saturday, August 30, 2008

Twilight Fans?

To those of you who are fans of the Twilight serious and have been anticipating reading Midnight Sun go here and read if you haven't already heard the news. What's your reaction?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A little bit of this and that.

It seems like most are blogged out. Has anybody else noticed the same thing within their circle of blogging friends? My reader account has often showed "no unread items" with a few trickles here and there with new updates. Then I thought I have no room to talk since I haven't posted in awhile either. Whats going on? Any ideas? Are we all just waiting for summer to end or what to get our second wind? For me I will have to confess it's a bit of laziness. I even have some pictures on my camera that I wanted to put up but they are still on my memory card waiting to get posted. I actually found these pictures on my cell phone and thought I will post these since my phone is always with me. Anyway just a few more weeks till fall. I'm ready for a new season!

I took this picture and thought that it looked cool. It's on my phone so of course the quality is horrible but it reminded me of a crossed processed photo. My brother in law Weston (who is an excellent photographer, click on his name to look at some of his work) introduced me to what a crossed processed photo is. I'm not going to even attempt to explain what it is cause I don't even know what I'm talking about but I always loved this type of photography because it makes all the colors even brighter and if you know me I love bright colors. Woah! can you say run on?

I took this picture last Saturday when Jane went to one of her friends birthday party. I was chatting with the ladies and hear, "look Mommy, look, I'm jumping" she proceeded to say that over and over. She was so proud of herself that I had to snap a picture with the phone.

Alright I did my part. Now lets get over the lull and get blogging. Sarah is bored and needs something to do on the world wide web.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Johnny Slumper

Reynolds' new favorite toy is his Johnny Jumper. I usually let him jump away while I shower and get ready for the day. Reynolds had a late morning nap since we both slept in till 9:30 (I honestly can't remember the last time I got to do that) so that meant a late afternoon nap. He didn't seem tired at all so I let him jump while I took a late shower (I cleaned all morning long and now my house is finally clean). As I was getting ready I said to Andrew, "When is Reynolds going to get sleepy? He doesn't seem tired at all he just keeps jumping." I got on the phone for maybe three minutes and I looked over at Reynolds and I saw he was slumped over. I thought he was chewing on the tray and then I realized he was out cold.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Eating my Words

Awhile back I made a post indicating the success we had putting both kids in the same room. Well once we got back from our trip to California it has pretty much been a nightmare. We have been blessed with just enough few good nights to keep holding on to the hope that it would work out again. Last night I finally threw in the towel. I don't know what' s with Reynolds but he has turned into the lightest sleeper. If Jane even opens the door he wakes up. Yesterday when Andrew came home from work Reynolds was sleeping and quickly awoke to the garage door opening. Please don't give me any advice about making your home really loud while your kids sleep so they can become deep sleepers because I think that is a bunch of, well you know what. Reynolds has always had to sleep to his screaming sister and takes his first nap of the day at the swimming pool or park. Last night we put Jane in the guest bedroom and Reynolds slept in the kids room. There were still interruptions like having to change Reynolds diaper and pajamas in the middle of the night because he peed all over them but at least they were manageable and I didn't have the excuses that the one woke the other one up. Hopefully once we can train Jane to stay in her bed throughout the night and Reynolds can start sleeping through something, or anything at that, we will try again. However, for now I have been defeated. Good luck to anybody who attempts the same thing. If you find something that works please let me know.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Endless Bathtime Fun Matched with Endless Night

This is hardly worth posting but I felt like I wanted to update my blog with something. Nothing too exciting has been happening. Jane wanted to play like it was Reynolds birthday (the things on is head is his birthday hat) and then make a terrible splashing mess which she managed to involve her little brother in the trouble.

On an entirely different subject last night was one of those nights that make the top ten worse nights with my children. After sleeping for maybe an hour it was just long enough to give Jane the endurance to stay up till four in the morning. I tired everything thing short of locking her in her room to cry it out. I would have done this if I didn't fear her waking the other child. She only took an hour nap yesterday and had a evening of fun. I thought for sure she would crash and maybe even sleep through the night. Oh boy was I wrong. I was lying there with her so tired thinking I'm a grown women that can hardly keep my eyes open why can't this kid sleep? Needless to say I was a little short tempered today and had little patience for Jane. I kept telling her that Mommy is not happy cause you didn't let her sleep whenever she asked me to do anything for her. I admit I was acting a little imature but I was so angry especially when she only took an hour and fifteen minute nap today. Did I mention that she only slept till 7:45 this morning. Anyway after I finally got her to bed tonight I went into my room to open the windows and I saw this.

She puts her babies and dolls to bed often but for some reason this killed me tonight and soften my heart towards her. To bad it took all day. I just pray that tonight goes better.

Good thing she is this cute or she might have gotten hurt last night.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

SuperCala What?

When I was potty training Jane I tried to take advantage of the week at home and decided to clean. When I got done with the downstairs I moved to the upstairs but I needed something to keep Jane entertained. The only thing we had upstairs was a little TV with a built in VCR. I called my sister-in-law Jen to ask if she had some old VHS I could borrow. She brought an assortment of cartoons and Mary Poppins. Jane would sit and watch the cartoons for a few minutes and then insist on watching another movie. At last attempt I put in Mary Poppins and she has probably watched it once a day since. I don't know what it is about Micheal and Jane Banks but she loves them.

*Disclaimer Jane did her own hair this morning

Friday, August 1, 2008

We're Back!

So last week Andrew found a digital camera for 50 bucks. I know it's not the best quality but it will meet my needs. Plus I figure if I'm going to be breaking them I better not spend a lot of money. I took some video but it didn't turn out so great without any lighting. I will have to try again.

I would like to take credit for the redesign of my blog but I can't. I love it! It's so refreshing to me. I could hardly look at my other layout it was making me nausea. Thanks Megan! You're the best.

This was me attempting to get my photo taken with my child but apparently she did not want me in the picture.

What do you think? The quality doesn't seem so bad.