Friday, May 2, 2008

No More Red Meat Please!

So Safeway was having a killer ground beef sale for 95 cents a pound for 80/100. I like to get the extra extra lean but in this economy I will get what I can afford. Well you know me and how when something is on for a really good deal I like to stock up. I ended up buying about 18 pounds of beef. Normally I would divide it all up into pounds and freeze it but this time I decided to spend a day and actually do stuff with all that stinking beef to make my life easier this summer when I really don't want to cook. Last night Andrew made up 28 hamburger patties. Today I cooked 140 meatballs (thanks Sarah for the scooper and recipe) and then I cooked up 6 pounds of ground beef to freeze to use for quick meals. When I got done with all of that I still had 6 pounds of ground beef left. I didn't even want to touch, I was so sick of beef. I decided I would just divide it up and stick it in the freezer like I normally would. After I was all done I sanitized my kitchen. It was so gross I had beef every where. I feel like I went to work today that's for sure and that I really can be a domestic women if I want to be.

Here is me cooking away

Here is all what I made

And now for the gross part!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the fat from only 7 pounds!

Now I need a really good chicken sale and I should be set for the whole summer.


laura said...

that makes me want to throw up! But props for geting all that done! now i need a good sale1

Megan said...

That fat is NASTY! But this post made me wish I lived by you even more (is that weird?) I need to be more like you and get er' done. We hardly ever eat red meat, but for that price and with the way groceries are getting SO DANG EXPENSIVE I would have stocked up too! I long for the day when we have a huge freezer and a pantry to do such things. You are awesome.

Christy said...

See?! You are domestic! Even I haven't done that! However I did go to Sams and stock up on meat. Um Why didn't yout tell me about eh beef sale?
Sigh. I ALWAYS miss out!

Top Model said...

So no more beans for awhile?

Kristin said...

Yuck. No wonder I don't eat the stuff!

Birches said...

Sarah, you outshined me. I was no where near as resourceful with my beef, (and I don't think I got 18lbs either).